and convenience...

windows, doors, floors and garage doors.

Patio door & window store gallery

Our company is best showcased by the exterior, interior and garage doors we have installed, as well as our the custom-sized window projects. Check out the results of our efforts below to learn more about the quality of Patio services. We have mastered the selection and installation of popular PCV windows to perfection. At the request of customers we promptly deliver innovative solutions, such as steel doors, and carry out slightly more challenging tasks, for example the installation of specialist doors. See for yourself!

Contact us

Our sales office is located within the premises of SCMB.

ul. Santocka 39,
71-083 Szczecin

tel./fax 91 464 52 31

tel./fax  91 464 36 70

tel kom 609 830 740

tel kom 796 538 201

